Our core values
Our core values are: respect for others; integrity by maintaining an open, honest and ethical environment; quality, innovation and diversity; and service by enhancing our community’s quality of life and meeting its needs.
Our specific objectives
Offer first class service to our students and other corporate clients.
Promoting a positive working environment for staff, students and visitors based on mutual respect.
Providing training and development opportunities to staff.
Provide good quality training to meet international standard.
Collaborate widely with other institutions of higher learning in training and research
To partner with industry in-order to provide relevant training oriented to job market.
Our clients
Our customers and clients are students who have cleared and passed in high school, corporate clients from government, parastatals, NGOs private sector, Airlines, Local Authorities and other stake holders in corporate industry.
Our vision
To be a center of academic and professional excellence locally and internationally.
Our mission
To produce competent market driven graduates who are conscious of and responsive to the dynamic challenges in the society.
Our identity statement
"Profession is power"